Myrtle Beach Bulletin now has an app! Find local events, businesses and exclusive deals in the Grand Strand area and the rest of the Carolinas. Featuring Top Pick business promoted by Myrtle Beach Bulletin.Download from Google Play(Android users) or go to for iOS, Android or WindowsPhone.
How to use: Tap on each icon to navigate through each page - Eat, To Do, Shop, Services and Deals. Tap on each business listing to view details about them, like their website and contact information. In the Deals page, tap on each listing to view the coupon terms, expiration(if any) and business info. To redeem coupons, please mention or show the coupon to the business, unless there is a coupon code for online shopping.
This app is updated constantly with new content, such as coupons and listings.
"Myrtle Beach Bulletin" is a property of MintPrint LLC. It is an online publication on social media - Facebook, Twitter and Instagram - and airs television commercials on channel WFXB - FoxTV. The online reach, as of 11/2016, is over half a million worldwide and over 360,000 locals in South Carolina and North Carolina.
Contact us for advertising and to be listed on the app by calling 843-580-2291 or email Jennifer at:
[email protected]. Please include name, business and phone number with the best time to call.